Pack of Huskies

Hi! My name is Loyal Blue
Beauty and love of the breed. 
I'm a handsome male. coat color is wolf gray plush thick coat with striking blue eyes to match and my weight is 50 pounds. I know, I'm just a husky but, If my Mom Theresa feels sad, I'm her smile, If she cries, I'm her comfort, and if someone breaks her heart, We always use mine! I'm always by her side. No matter how crappy mom's day is, There is always my happy face waiting for her to get home! 
I have a wonderful personality.

Howdy ! My name is Star-Keeper.
Star-Keeper has a beautiful wolf silver coat with those striking blue eyes. Her weight is 40 pounds, She loves attention and loves to play with us , She is just an all-around great husky. She may not be a movie star but she is our star She speaks when, she is excited and loves to chase us around the yard
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